Wednesday, May 20, 2009


fianlly going to back to Singapore, first time going back from Chennai Airport, surprisingly the internet was complimentory..hmmm...much better than delhi one...well...finally can go back hug hug my dear dear liao...this time round...the trip is so so boring and seems like everything is going not smoothly...last night stucked into New Delhi train station for an hour just because the the driver waiting me at another exit...siao man...he should know where to wait what...walao..reached home already 1.30am and 4.30am i still hv to rushing to domestic is so tiring...not enuf slp..also whole day meeting... can u imaging i was in the meeting from 9.30am until 7pm? got metting with marketing...R&D...QC...sales...Retail...walao..tot i really god meh...well...everything is gonna be fine..dear..wait for me ah.. i am coming liao.....

Sunday, May 17, 2009


最近,也许是行情不好吧, 很多人都开始沉迷于宗教的救赎, hmmm...想象一下,一个和你素未蒙面的家伙突然和你畅谈佛理, 你会跟奇怪吧??? 宗教救得了我吗? 我想, 还是找新加坡博彩有限公司吧。。。。哈哈~ 或您可以游览 已了解更多详情。。。不过, 那人说的一句话还蛮有意思的,人啊!最重要的是顺境逆境皆欢喜。。。

oh yah Taiwan

just now read the litter rach (rich) blog that she hao hao lian lain brought her mother went to 高高兴兴好好练炼8日台湾母女神气游, wa! Sound so nice! and planning to bring her father to 甜甜蜜蜜西西北北7日韩国父女神气游,it's really make my eye's red red...thinking will my chermaine doing the same thing for me? haha~ think too much and think too fast...well, how wish I can also bring my mother and father to somewhere eat wind..this is also one of my dreams when i was young....unfortunately, the dream are still processing....but the most important is how to persuade them le...hmmm.....anyway, as a parent, what we need to look at is actually the kids are growing heathly...and happily, never think much whether they will come back and feed u up or not...
haha~~ mayb i am just too negative..however, if u also keep will be resulted if hopeless..tio boh?
well...these few months are extreamly time to accompany my family...wel..planning to have a short trip next the president of OEM/OTC/marketing....pls....dun try to dua me and let have a good rest with my wife....okie?? do mo arigatou...!!


闷闷得一天, 无聊的很,一个人的日子,好像回到的台湾的时候,但是,城市的繁华没有了, 热闹的大街取而代之的是满街的卡车, 收悉的面孔换成的超黑的脸孔,超热的天气。

心中的牵绊还真要命, 老练的我也中招了,少了孩子及老婆的陪伴,睡也睡得不好, 吃也毫无感觉。。。累啊!!我想我真的老了。

印度, 一个荷包待放的国家,充满生机的国家, 准备向全世界绽放光芒的国家, 还真他妈的无聊。。。

Monday, May 4, 2009


最近生活起了些许变化,变忙了,不论是工作,还是家庭, 些许是某些经历让我不知不觉起了不知名的化学作用,让我的生活感觉更加得充实, 虽然失落的部分还无法填补,不过,变化总比没变好吧!
工作上还得感谢同事间的支持,这几年来,很多的摩擦与矛盾逐渐磨合, 犹如拼图一般,让彼此更有默契,从同事,到伙伴,到整个团队,希望大家可以做得更好!尤其是现在的大环境底下。 别管什么花生, 别管最好, 别管其他,做好本分才是最重要的, 最好是暂时的, 本分才是你自己。
家庭,三年来辛辛苦苦建立起来的家庭, 终于感受到快乐,和幸福, 和工作一样,摩擦与矛盾逐渐磨合, 换来的是体谅和扶持。 儿女是我快乐的泉源,妻子是我最大的动力,她的谅解是我最大的安慰,所有的牺牲都值得, 真的!没有什么比这个更重要。

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


如果要超脱,必须经历过沉沦,会快乐的人一定有过不为人知的悲伤, 不犯错的人永远不知真理为何物,也许很多人觉得我很会玩弄文字,绝不知那只是本人我的一时兴起胡乱写一通,并非玩弄,只是觉得那时是对的,所以就通过文字来诠释,每个人的认知,所谓的对错就是在于本身有限的智慧,环境及所受的经验里形成,所以几千年来,我们的老祖宗成就了我们的成功,也间接造成其他方面的失败,不过,有成功和失败,那才是下一次成功的契机。
我想佛祖也是经过无数的沉沦才成佛的吧! 没经过生老病死,哪能把事情看得那么透彻,哪能顿悟,哪能立地成佛。唐僧也要经过九九八十一难才可得真经。。。说了那么多, 别以为我懂哦,其实我什么也不懂,就是骗吃骗喝我在行。。。。:)我啊,还在沉沦。。。。要超脱? 还久的哪。。。


基本上我没有指名是谁, 所以别太敏感哦。。。。分手可以很快乐,分手是可以恨解脱,分手可以很潇洒, 分手可以很悲哀, 分手可以很朋友, 分手可以很小气, 分手可以很做作,分手可以很伤人,分手可以很自大,分手可以很自由,分手可以很可以,但,分手也许是下次重逢的伏笔。
人性黑与白往往让人有一种错误的诠释,不论是黑, 还是白, 这,都是你,很多都不敢承认那黑的是你,因为人的完美,或另一种角度说,人的完美追求,追求只会造就更多的追求,好累人。。。。当你以为你已舍弃,却不知也许你已被黑暗占领,尔也许你心目中的黑,是他人无知的以为是白,你无法摆脱,只有接受它,因为它是你身体的一部分,人生的黑白说。。。。。并非我排斥其他颜色,只因我喜欢黑白。

i am back!!!!

wah seh..almost 4months nv blogging colleauge reminded me on that...haha...yaloh...afterward seems like everyone no mood to ...haha..these few months got alots of happening..especially my son ayden was borned.....haha..tks god..just wondering why i am the most lucky daddy in the world..sorry..should be tks to 玉皇大帝....well...nothing is extreamly 1side..happily i became father again....unhappy also hv lo....haiya dun talk sianz year new target....strike more toto and 4D...yeah!!