Thursday, July 31, 2008


yesterday slp around tired..because hv to help up my dear loei to her assignment which due today..however..can't help much..only helping her to typing some notes...HA~~~ slpy mood to work..feel like want to go back charmaine fever..sianzzzzna......who can help me..

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


last week went to service car..walao eh...paid up 500++..then the gal told me next 40k km service could be upto 800++++...walao eh...really tak boleh tahan to feed the car...monthly installment...road bian family..need a car...cannot borrow everytime la....anyway..this coming sep will be 2years..still left 3year patient...everything will be all right!!! no y...because i borned dec 3....hehehehehe...happy go u know y i wanna buy 8892 liao mah?? hahahaha.....but today dun strike...because today i dun buy...amitaba...

office day...happy day..

again..still dunno y today i am so happy when i wake up..feeling like everything is gonna b all right...hehehe..! but when reached office...walao eh....many blacky ...jlee girl still worry when the disneyland can move in and thus fever..kleong excited..seems like she used to it the wider flat plasma tv...vlim still worry the npp...only myslelf so happy...hahaha..seriously ..dunno y....but jz now very fedup on the rack we bought..sianz...take half n hour to fix 1 and there is still 5 more...den still hv to clean up the MY store..dduno when become mine...bicycle le...india le..walao..but still happy la...hahaha..

facing down...

last week went to check-up....when come to scanning, suddenly realised that my litter tew is so so shy....unlike his sister...his face always facing already 7months..we still cannot see his face clearly...haha....his sister is always 'show off' her face to us while inside mother stomach...recently my litter charmaine has started to shown her well as good lovely charmaine..anyway...tks to dearest give me such a wonderful childs...i promised..will love you forever...and forever...and forever...and my chilrens...:)) loving you..

Monday, July 28, 2008


last week i made very very idiot thing again..forgot to put the pipe to the toilet and thusing kitchen flooded again..hai...:( why i so forgetful...hv to appologies to my landlord ms vp and she's cousin...hmmm...felt like want to digging a hole....alamak....

yah ah lah....

dunno y today office evey1 so down...included J fall sick...Ms VP nightmare...Ms KL felt badly when she saw his 21inc ang lai koh n teriko san busy for their forecast n india...what abt me? Stress from new baby...missing my litter charmaine..oh my god..what happen to my office today...? oh yah...only 1person very happy..guo jing guo da xia...still felt happily so many ppl wanted him to riding thier own brand bikes...hmmm...same ppl diff destination...when me turn? hohohohho...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

盛世 II

今天在电车里, 看到很多的景象, 让我不得不为了盛世下的牺牲品而摇头叹息。 人们似乎忘了所谓的礼及尊重。年轻的黄金一代, 国家未来的主人翁, 却为了能够坐的舒舒服服,为了能够有个位子苟存, 而装聋作哑,装睡,让那些白发苍苍的前朝重臣, 或是孕育下一个黄金一代的孕妇们,撑着拐杖及身怀六甲的肚子站在他们面前, 他们的无视让我感到心寒,更可恶的是还有一些父母也教着他们小孩一样的方法,我想, 若连这最基本的也无法做到, 未来会是个怎样的世界呢?建议电车公司与其让广告公司独占整个车厢,, 还不如把那些位子的告示牌加大两倍,有需者坐之吗。还记得10几年前, 政府所提倡的礼貌运动,绿化运动,现在在哪里呀? 礼貌狮和绿化蛙,多么想念呀!!


在一个国家愈来愈富裕的时候,甚至乎成为了所谓的发达国家时,人们的无论是物质上,还是生活上,都已步入了一个很高层次, 但人心灵上层次, 却随着心灵以外的满足而往往被人忽略。但这个发达尘世里,我看到了一个又一个例子, 让我不得不思考着, 也为了这些人而感到悲哀。微尘般的我们造就了史无前例的盛世,却让很多东西成了盛世下的牺牲品。观点不在于值不值得, 而是为何不将之保留呢?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


刚打电话回家, 女儿昨天发烧了, 突然又有一种很想马上冲回家的冲动,想看看她怎了, 虽然妈说她已经痊愈了。 但内疚加上心痛的感觉还是不知不觉地涌上心头。 真他妈的想说, “爸就回来了,你等等哦!”虽有千百个不愿意,但还是不得不。。。算了, 还是那句话, 现实是多么的残酷的呀, 爸妈多么想你呀!
妈那天告诉我, 我们兄弟近来改变了很多,多了一份顾家的感觉,因为有家了。 还说了句“手抱孩子时,想起当初父母时”是句福建话, 意思是说当我们手里抱着自己的孩子,就会想起当初父母在抱着我们时的感觉。这句真是绝呀!

Monday, July 21, 2008


今天完成了新产品发布会, 虽然现在是轻轻松松的坐在电脑前,但还是掩饰不了内心的疲惫。 如果疲惫的内心夹杂着满足了喜悦, 那也无所谓, 但感觉上就是少了这种满足感。也许我是个人的虚荣心在作祟吧,少了幕前的工作,感觉就是不一样,无论如何,少了这份满足感的同时, 我却获得了另一份归属感, 就是幕后的筹备工作, 就像是回到了家一样, 这也是我一直以来所追求的,少了分曝光度, 决让我有时间思考如何把企划做好。虽然少了老板的加持,却是我所要得, 这, 才是最重要的吧!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


有个朋友在感情发生了些事, 她觉得男朋友不了解她,不体谅,男朋友也觉得她变了,变得不像以前的乖乖女,当然吗!人是会变的,但很奇怪的是,很多人都不愿意接受这种改变,很多人都想把自己的一套套用在对方身上,把对方设想成自己所要求的,硬是要对方接受, 也许吧,人是那么的自私, 谁能无私的付出呢?当我们发现自己内心的自己想改变的时候, 有多少人可以为了对方而忍着,而能够为对方忍耐,他的限度是在哪儿呢?而让自己为对方而忍耐的又是什么原因呢? 对我而言, 其实里头所包含的, 不外乎是感情两个字。而感情又是如何建立的呢?我所呢,是许许多多的泪水的汗水,试想想把感情的感字拆开,是咸和心,泪和汗都是咸的,把这两样东西放在心里头,就成了感字了。而情字,是心字及青字组成,如果你有注意的话,青字是由一,十二及月组成的;在一十二个月里,用所有的泪和汗所所付出的, 才能算是感情哦! 所以嘛!如果我那个朋友看到的话,我想应该可以对你现在的感情有所开释吧! 共勉之!

喂! 转弯咯!

现代人的步伐好快哦! 吃饭快, 走路快, 看书快,写字快, 快的让人窒息了,但, 在大世界里头,无论你是老石头还是小石头, 都无法改变时间的洪流,‘快’的步伐, 企业也是一样, 再也没有什么可以一招闯天涯了,所谓的老字号也都纷纷换上新包装, 呵呵, 我可不是想写企业论文, 只是发现很多人与事, 为了赶上时代里‘改变’的步伐,都纷纷一窝蜂的求新求变, 大家都害怕跟不上而最后惨遭淘汰。是这样的吗?也许吧!但是, 大家是否有发现, 在大家所谓的求新求变背后的意义, 一个个所谓的创新,开创自己的人生, 很多时候,都不是跟着自己的意念所走。所以说吗, 千千万万不要盲目跟着大世界,有时,想想大家自己内心的小世界吧。还有啊! 有时,勇往直前是好事,但该转弯的时候还是要转, 别盲目的冲,快, 享受失败,是人生的阶段之一,看过一部电影里头的一句话, ‘前方是绝路, 希望在转角’与大家共勉之。

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I never expected today i will become a around the world...many years ago..i really can't imaging one day i will working in Japan, taiwan and Singapore, to me, these 3places are only for those high class person...i am not smart enuf...not handsome enuf..but i am much hapiness than other...hmmm...seems like count down for my singapore life...few more months later there may have all the blakies surrounding me...sound scary......:( dun miss me too much!!!...just possible..not confirm yet..

Monday, July 14, 2008


办公室来了不述之客, 它有个很特别的名字, 叫‘停电’, 停先生把所有人带到了阴沉的黑暗中, 虽非伸手不见五指, 却也让人有点措手不及, 虽只有短短数十分钟, 却也让我突然间感觉很冷静, 让我想起了那天,决定把信丢出去的时候的心情,感觉我的决定是正确的,但最后,我还是留下了, 原因不是那多少% 的调薪,而是这群再也找不到的团队, 乔安说的对, 在这里, 除了那群同事外, 到底, 还有那些能让我停留不走的呢?在公司里, 我的价值是什么? 很重要吗? 我想他也说不出一个所以然来, 尤其是他那爱理不理的态度, 感觉我是武器多过员工吧。
(办公时间还有空闲写博客, 我也真够‘吃力’的。)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

septic arthrictis; 10:30

10 years ago, when i first time to do medical check-up, the doc already told me dun take porks, organs,beans, seafood and beans made food....because among my age group, my urine acid level is pretty high, so is better dun take these food...however, i am wondering if i give up these food, what can i be? a humen or a molk..sooo...i doesn't care much about doc advise muc...finally....few years later...i am kena what i suppose not kena among my age group....'arthritis', remember my 1st time to suffering these is when i went to KL to meet my fren.....i went 4days, 1st day ok but the rest of the date i was laying on the bed because my knee, my foot is damnly painful...i cannot walk..can slp well...walao...this is horrible experience...after that on and off...on and off...well, until today i still never stop to taking my favorites it came back again...this time is my knee....the painful never while i writing my hv to wait my wife to buy the medicine to me this matter how..i still thanks to my i can enjoy 1day holiday :P so today i can sleep until 10:30am..because this time the painful doesn't work when i laying on bed..already almost a year never felt so relax like today..weekdays have to work...weekend hv to look my litter princes...hahah...wonderful 10:30am...

Friday, July 11, 2008


suddenly feel like want to write something about garlic,

why i put garlic as my title..hehe...not because i love to eat

garlic..I still remember my 1st time to take garlic was when

my college, my fren force me to take den i take, garlic..i just

thought garlic is a very special food...likes eggs, it's not consider

a meat..but not really like a veg..must garlicg is much more special,

because vegetarian not taking garlicg, the reasons behind have alot

...most of the ppl said is because garlic itself is too 'sharp', it will harm

your body if you are vegetarian, is that true? i also not so sure....

by the way, dun u think that garlic is looks like a humen? white

of the skin, have tissues..marsel...ggggiiii...dun think liao....oh yah...

tell you what, in japanese, garlic is so called 'nin ni ku'...'nin' mean

humen, 'niku' means thinking actually quite..hmmmmm..

hahaha...ok la..these type of geli geli thing dun talk too much..later kena...

oh yah...1 more hour i nid to go back hometown liao loh....i will leaving

my small box bedroom this weekends...hehe..guys...hv a nice weekend..!


等待,是为了未来的成功? 还是从头开始。我没有多少
其实我要的蛮简单的, 一间屋子, 一辆车子,一对孩子,
一夜致富的大有人在,我会是那一个的。 相信就有:)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Weekend liao loh!!!

Finally is Friday, tonight have to rushing back to Malaysia to see my lovely daugther...:)
We are missing her so much...How wish i can return to a small book shop...
everyday...reading books..go nice..ppl may think am i going to retired?
haha...I wish too...3years plus in Singapore..learnt alot..saw a lot...think alot..but tired....the city
never sleep is too tired to me...haha...
no matter how la..for the future...hv to work fact i am quite envy someone also...
everything is so smooth to them...they no need to face bad den they are always good...good
in luck...good in siok!!!!

Somehow, i felt that today office is very quiet...i wondering why and i realised that because the office without something..without my jokes..and my teammate....haha..nowadays working in office like jail..talking ppl will making small report..laughing will kena complaint..doing will kean washing up side down and u still dunno y...hmm....i very envy someone who can pay afford to the job...agueing with superior....creative....this is what i can't do it...before until now...because i doesn't like to argue with someone..and i am abit lazy...:P...I lazy to come out my idea because always kena rejected...well.... i hate my job? Not really..i love it so much...i even sacrify my last high pay job...i use to the deepest of my a man..i still wanted to be like a man...good job...good pay...can easily convince ppl...can give good suggestion...ppl willing listen to u...haha...i wish too...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


actually...i dunno why it happen...i wish everything can re-start but i can' to change? how to overcome....wish all the best to me...blessing me to overcome my problem....seriously...i always thinking the solutions...hai...:(( i just wish my wishers can come bad luck will go playful charactor can be deduct job can baby is wife is heathly..of cos my brothers sisters..nephew..nience....everyone la..

bad luck bad luck go away...good luck good luck come to me...hehe....


上个星期刚去了朋友的婚宴, 很开心,看到好久不见的老朋友,有的正在计划结婚,有的已经排期结婚,哈! 有时想想,时间这老头还真会玩,从没有到有,从单身到两人一起, 人生到生人, 再从两人到单身, 有到没有, 时间老头在打转着每个人的一生,我的人生呢?也没想太多, 感觉好像是已经定了路线, 只要跟着走就好了, 当然, 我还没资格说人生。 现阶段的我还是一个为了生活, 为了家庭,为了自己的年纪不轻的人。。。
时间老头, 快快让我发达啦!也别让我一直发福下去。。。:)
老婆啊!哈~可爱的蕾还在为她的考试而努力,加油哦! 老婆!!


学恩学恩! 叫爸爸!!!!!!女儿就会‘爸爸!爸爸’哈!! 女儿是我一生最大的成就, 乌黑的头发,大大的眼睛, 健健康康, 笑容可爱,人见仁爱,所有我和蕾的爱拼凑成我们的学恩。
蕾和我在外地工作, 每星期只能回家一次,无尽的爱只能在每次见面的时候宣泄,让外人觉得我们多么溺爱她, 但谁能了解呢?思念。。。还真够累人的!

从没想过有一天会和蕾步入人生的另一个阶段,想当初, 她的冷漠, 我想应该吓倒很多男人吧!慢慢的, 和她聊天,慢慢的进入她内心之后,其实,她也和很多女孩一样,需要爱人的疼爱, 有时她就像个小女孩,闹闹脾气, 有时小鸟依人,我的初恋,就是这样,在爱她, 宠她,气她中成长,发芽。
现在呢, 我们在为了即将在10月份诞生的他(她)而努力哦! 还有我们的学恩。
蕾有一个很好听的名字叫秀蕊 (福建话‘收钱’的意思),很好意头哦! 希望她的愿望会实现。


When i getting old, i realised life is getting complicated. even i always wanted my life simple and nice. however, no matter how i hard manage it, things are still getting worst..Office environment is always like a war....still remember when intial i step into my company, everything is fresh and interesting but nowaday...after became an old bird....i has already lost the passion and patients,
it may due to my charactor doesn't fit for office life as i dunno how to play around the politics....hahaha...what to do? still hv to do...that's life...
luckily, i hv a group of colleague folks.....i dunno whether is because i (or my company(myboss??)) done too many good things on last life, this life i can met them, no matter they are still in the company or left....even some of them like pin can easily moved twin tower to sembawang..low mah kai...botak...or ang lai koh...or .......lemon tree or glad to know abt them...can cover each other kaching...haha...
office polytics?? long as u in this office, u hv to play around....but i always belive that the office won't be affacted if without anyone...if we can form a good team...of cos, dun simply throw ur serious...dun laughing like hell..dun jokking around, company need a worker but not jocker....u can become manager...(oh shit!! this is what i always do in office) think i hv no fate liao...

i think i hv to applologies to someone who i always throw my temper to them.....even they are easy going ppl but..i still hv to say sorry..